Prognostic factor research
Sample size guidance
A simple method of sample size calculation for linear and logistic regression (PDF)
Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis (PDF)
Prognosis Research Strategy (PROGRESS) 2: prognostic factor research (PDF)
Prognostic markers in cancer: the evolution of evidence from single studies to meta-analysis, and beyond (PDF)
Evidence-Based Assessment and Application of Prognostic Markers: The Long Way from Single Studies to Meta-Analysis (PDF)
Prognostic Factors - Confusion caused by bad quality of design, analysis and reporting of many studies (PDF)
Prognostic Factor Studies (PDF)
Analysis guidance
Statistical aspects of prognostic factor studies in oncology (PDF)
Dangers of Using “Optimal” Cutpoints in the Evaluation of Prognostic Factors (PDF)
Dichotomizing continuous predictors in multiple regression: a bad idea (PDF)
The use of fractional polynomials to model continuous risk variables in epidemiology (PDF)